Jonathan Ballard
Chief Medical Officer New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Class of 2019
Colleen Healy Boufides
Deputy Director, Mid-States Region Network for Public Health Law, University of Michigan School of Public Health Class of 2019
Leah Casanave
Supervisor, STD Prevention and Control Program Douglas County Health Department Class of 2019
Megan Cunningham
Managing Deputy Commissioner Chicago Department of Public Health Class of 2019
Christa Cupp
Public Health Educator Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Policy & Practice Alignment Class of 2019
Corey Davis
Deputy Director, Southeastern Region Network for Public Health Law Class of 2019
Julian Drix
Asthma Program Manager Rhode Island Department of Health Class of 2019
Jessica Gehle
Environmental Health Division Director Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Class of 2019
Eric Harkness
Director, Office of Health Policy Tennessee Department of Health Class of 2019
Brett Harris
Director of Public Health Initiatives Suicide Prevention Office, New York State Office of Mental Health Class of 2019
Kristine Hollingsworth
Public Information Officer and Assistant to the Administrator Florida Department of Health, Collier County Class of 2019
Jeffrey Hom
Policy Advisor Philadelphia Department of Public Health Class of 2019
Jeffrey Howard
Commissioner and Chief Medical Officer Kentucky Department for Public Health Class of 2019
Devin Hursey
Peer Educator/Public Health Advocate Missouri HIV Justice Coalition Class of 2019
Sami Kamal Jarrah
Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Health Commissioner Philadelphia Department of Public Health Class of 2019
Joseph Kanter
Assistant State Health Officer and Region One Medical Director Louisiana Department of Health Class of 2019
Joneigh Khaldun
Chief Medical Executive and Chief Deputy Director for Health Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Class of 2019
Jesse Lava
Director of Policy Chicago Department of Public Health Class of 2019
Jacqualyn Littlepage
Director of Environmental Health and Health Inspector Lake County Public Health Agency Class of 2019
Megan McClaire
Chief of Staff Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Class of 2019
Mac McCullough
Assistant Professor and Health Economist Arizona State University Class of 2019
William Moore
Health Educator 2, CPE Saint Paul Ramsey County Department of Public Health Class of 2019
Sarah Moyer
Director Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness Class of 2019
Carolyn Mullen
Chief of Government Affairs & Public Relations Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Class of 2019
Kaitlyn Neises-Mocanu
Special Assistant for Policy, Sustainability, and Development Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation Class of 2019
Amy Olejniczak
Associate Director Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health Class of 2019
Jamila Porter
Director of Programs and Evaluation Safe States Alliance Class of 2019
Lauren Powell
Director, Office of Health Equity Virginia Department of Health Class of 2019
Syretta Shealey
Healthy CPS Specialist Chicago Public Schools, Office of Student Health and Wellness Class of 2019
AZ Snyder
Director/Health Officer Pierce County Public Health Department Class of 2019
Jovonni Spinner
Senior Public Health Advisor Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, Food and Drug Administration Class of 2019
Kenneth Steel
Health Policy Analyst Maricopa County Department of Public Health Class of 2019
Alison Traynor
North Dakota Suicide Prevention Program Director North Dakota Department of Health Class of 2019
Sameer Vohra
Founding Chair, Department of Population Science and Policy Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Class of 2019
Elizabeth Walsh
Public Health Statistician City of Kansas City, Mo. Health Department Class of 2019
Yi Wang
Assistant Professor Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health Class of 2019
Mariah Wilberg
Communications Specialist and Health Educator Minnesota Department of Health Class of 2019