Rachel Hare Bork

Director, Research and Impact

Rachel Hare Bork, PhD, is the Director of Research and Impact at the de Beaumont Foundation, where she helps lead efforts to measure and impact of programs and investments. She oversees the Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS), the only nationally representative survey of the state and local governmental public heath workforce.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Rachel was a research and evaluation officer at the Wallace Foundation. At Wallace, she contributed to efforts to fill knowledge gaps and assess the effectiveness of the foundation’s initiatives in the areas of education leadership, arts learning and building audiences in the arts. In this role she designed and managed multi-million-dollar research projects that included social science and market research methodologies.

Her research has been published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), Health Affairs, The Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, Teachers College Record, the Journal of College Reading and Learning, and Inside Higher Ed.

Rachel holds a PhD in politics and education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and an MSc in comparative politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She graduated with a BA with honors in political science from the Johns Hopkins University.


Rachel's Recent Writing