Moriah Robins

Research Officer, PH WINS

Moriah Robins, MPH, is a research officer at the de Beaumont Foundation. Her focus is on the Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS), the only nationally representative survey of the state and local government workforce.

Before coming to the Foundation, Moriah served as a research associate on the PHRASES (Public Health Reaching Across Sectors) project, a partnership between the Foundation and the Aspen Institute. There she designed and managed the PHRASES Fellows, a program aimed at training public health professionals in framing and communicating the value of public health in a way that resonates with decision-makers in other sectors.

Moriah earned her MPH in Global Health Program Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation from the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. While in graduate school she served on the ISCOPES (Interdisciplinary Student Community-Oriented Prevention Enhancement Service) Adult Health Literacy Team, where she conducted bimonthly health literacy programs for men experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC, and explored interdisciplinary communication and the values and ethics behind teams and teamwork. In June 2017, Moriah spent two weeks in Uganda, as a part of her practicum experience, designing a program to implement neonatal resuscitation teams in a hospital in Kampala.

Moriah holds a BS in chemistry from the University of Maryland in College Park, Md.

Moriah's Recent Writing