Bringing together more than 100 leading voices in public health, The Practical Playbook II: Building Multisector Partnerships That Work provides a concise set of tools, methods, and examples to support partnerships to improve population health. Written in practical terms for readers from any background or sector, the book draws from successful partnerships in public health, healthcare, housing, transportation, business, and the faith community — providing practical tips from conception to execution to policy change.
Published by Oxford University Press, the 568-page book has a retail price of $27.95, but you can get a 30 percent off when you order from the Oxford website and use discount code AMPROMD9.
Working in multisector partnerships is new, complex, often underfunded, and anything but quick. Improving health through partnerships requires letting go of the traditional siloed mentality and working together to develop programs that are successful and sustainable. The Playbook offers tools and methods that can be adapted and shaped to build on partners’ strengths and respond to the unique needs of each community. It answers questions about partnerships, including:
- Sectors and influencers who can help to collaborate to improve health
- Best practices for initial engagement
- Collaborations with government, business, faith communities, and other types of partners
- The role of data in establishing and running a partnership
- Scaling up to maximize impact and remain sustainable
- The role of financing
- Implications for policy
Since the first Practical Playbook was published in 2016, multisector collaborations that improve the health of communities have continued to expand, and there are more than 600 partnerships across the country. With this growth came the realization that a completely new book was needed, building on the experiences of the broadening array of sites and sectors and provide a concise set of tools, methods, and examples.