The second annual Tweetup, presented by the American Public Health Association and the de Beaumont Foundation, was held Nov. 5 at the APHA Annual Meeting & Expo in Philadelphia. In addition to socializing in person and connecting online, participants offered insights about some of the biggest issues in public health.
By the numbers:
- 1,500 tweets
- 312 contributors
- 692,972 accounts reached
- 11.1 million impressions
See the full chat on Wakelet. Here are the questions and a few highlights.
Q1: What's your favorite thing about working in public health? #APHAtweetup
— APHA Annual Meeting & Expo (@APHAAnnualMtg) November 5, 2019
A1 The people, the #policy, & the change we can do together when we sufficiently resource #publichealth & #prevention #APHAtweetup #APHA2019
— Chrissie Juliano (@ChrissieJuliano) November 5, 2019
A1: One of our favorite things about working in public health is faces like these — passionate, committed people who support the work that changes the world. 🌟 #StaffRockPublicHealth #APHATweetup
— UNC Public Health (@UNCpublichealth) November 5, 2019
A2: Climate change, noncommunicable diseases, and health care infrastructure are sure to be major challenges now & in future. I also worry about combatting misinformation around these & related topics (e.g., vaccinations) & taking multisectoral approaches. #APHAtweetup #APHA2019
— Jennifer Mandelbaum, MPH (@JenMandelbaum) November 5, 2019
A2. Health inequality, gun violence, and widening social gap#APHATweetup
— Irene B. Molina (@irenemolina8340) November 5, 2019
A3: To make the bold changes to benefit public health, people need to speak up and then exercise their right to VOTE!!! 🗳️☑️ #APHATweetup #APHA2019
— PublicHealthMaps (@PublicHealthMap) November 5, 2019
A3. We need to say what we are FOR instead of what we’re against. We need to repeat our message until it becomes just how people think about what good policy looks like. #APHAtweetup
— Allyson Baughman (@allcorgis) November 5, 2019
A4: Keep a broad perspective when looking for job opportunities and think of the skills you bring to the table as part of your "toolbox". Public health jobs are everywhere, though not always classified as "public health". Consider jobs that will expand your toolbox! #APHATweetup
— Amy Schlotthauer, MPH (@AES_Consult) November 5, 2019
A4. Best advice I can give to anyone especially to young and emerging leaders.
Be Kind
Be Curious
Be Courageous.— Maram Museitif (@MaramMPH) November 5, 2019
A4 PH is the BEST field! So many opportunities. Don’t be afraid to switch up careers or paths. There are so many within PH that you can weave in and out of at different times and for different issues. #APHATweetup
— North Carolina Institute for Public Health (@nciph1) November 5, 2019
A4: Get out there and be an ambassador for #publichealth. Read @mmiller20910’s new how-to blog post about personal branding #aphatweetup
— de Beaumont Foundation (@deBeaumontFndtn) November 5, 2019
Q5: @deBeaumontFndtn's #40Under40 honors innovative public health leaders. How can public health be more creative? #APHAtweetup
— APHA Annual Meeting & Expo (@APHAAnnualMtg) November 5, 2019
A5: Public health can foster creativity by promoting collaboration & shared problem-solving, setting aside time for innovation & learning & promoting cross-functional teams to solve common challenges. #APHAtweetup #APHA2019 @RachelLocke15 @debeaumontfndtn
— JPHMP Direct (@JPHMPDirect) November 5, 2019
A5. Listen to the folks in your org that don’t have a traditional#public health background. Ask them specifically for feedback and really consider their POVs. An “outsiders” perspective can be incredibly valuable. #APHATweetup
— Elizabeth Walsh (@elizKCMO) November 5, 2019
A6. Getting individuals to see issues from a perspective different from their own. Understanding the struggles and experiences of others is important to understand why certain issues are important #APHA2019 #APHATweetup
— Tatyana Brisard 🦜🌱 (@TatyanaBrisard) November 5, 2019
A6: As a #publichealth professional & parent, the most difficult conversations have been around childhood vaccines & how they aren’t just an individual health decision- they impact the whole community #APHAtweetup
— Leah Roman, MPH, MCHES (@LeahHealth) November 5, 2019
A6 Public health workers have hard conversations almost every day. The erosion of trust in science is one big barrier we’re all facing. The good news is that hearing from a trusted health professional can make a big difference! #APHAtweetup #APHA2019
— APHA (@PublicHealth) November 5, 2019
A7: Youth voice – their reflections, viewpoints, and ideas on issues and for change are essential and impactful #APHATweetup #APHA2019 #youthvoice
— Katie Davis, MSN, RN, PHNA-BC (@KatieDavisRN) November 5, 2019
A7 – We need to add meaningful stories, passion and OPTIMISM!#APHAtweetup #APHA2019
— Charlene Cariou (@CharleneCariou) November 5, 2019
A7: We need to add discussions about how to use the media to educate about health, using pop culture and media that people consume actively and passively to educate and destigmatize #APHATweetup
— Health or High Water Podcast (@hohwpodcast) November 5, 2019
Q8: Public health is rewarding, but it can also be tiring. What keeps you going? #APHAtweetup
— APHA Annual Meeting & Expo (@APHAAnnualMtg) November 5, 2019
A8: In our soon-to-be-released 2019 report, we’ve seen our biggest gains ever! We’re so excited to spotlight the amazing work U.S. cities are doing to improve health for all. Be the first to see your city’s 2019 rating on 11/13: #APHAtweetup #APHA2019
— CityHealth (@city_health) November 5, 2019
A8 I am inspired by the people and their passion. By the issues and the potential for change. By the opportunities and the challenges. #APHAtweetup
— Susan Polan (@SLP4publichlth) November 5, 2019
A8. Search for answers keeps me going…
Also, coffee. #APHATweetup #APHA2019 #coffee— Alyssa McNulty (@AlyssaMcNulty5) November 5, 2019
Thank you for tweeting with us! We have to continnue the conversation through our work and actions! #APHAtweetup
— APHA Annual Meeting & Expo (@APHAAnnualMtg) November 5, 2019