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Across the country, MADE for Health Justice Communities are developing local data ecosystems that promote health equity and racial justice. Community members are working to ensure their data captures their reality, reflects their needs, and leads to more equitable decision making. These projects span themes of educational attainment and economic mobility, environmental and climate justice, housing and the built environment, and employment access and opportunity.

The inaugural cohort of MADE Communities was announced in 2023.

Meet the MADE Communities

Julia Baez, Chief Executive Officer, Baltimore's Promise

“The MADE for Health Justice grant accelerates a process that will have generational impacts on Baltimore youth and families. Our collaboration with Baltimore City government and Baltimore City Public Schools is built on a shared commitment to equity and access, and a shared belief in the brilliance and potential of young people across our city.”

Julia Baez, Chief Executive Officer, Baltimore's Promise
Mayor Ed Gainey, City of Pittsburgh

“Making sure everyone, regardless of race or financial status, has access to equal health care is the best thing for the people who call Pittsburgh home. Removing the barriers whether seen or unseen allows residents the opportunity to have a full life.”

Mayor Ed Gainey, City of Pittsburgh
Phoebe Cager, Health Services Director, Tucson Indian Center

“The name of our project is Pima. Pima is an Indigenous word that means,”I don’t know.” This is very important for our project because we are collecting data from an Indigenous perspective to gather information that we need to know more about. Our Indigenous community will be leading the data collection, and this will make the data authentic in its representation of our community.”

Phoebe Cager, Health Services Director, Tucson Indian Center

“We have known for a long time that climate change and pollution are not affecting all of us equally. Communities of color and low-income folks are on the front lines experiencing higher temperatures, higher utility bills, greater exposure to unhealthy air, and more. A strong data ecosystem built by and for our communities will help us cultivate justice in a changing climate.”

Marcus C. Mundy, Executive Director, Coalition of Communities of Color