Changing the COVID Conversation

It’s never been more important in public health to understand the perceptions of Americans and tailor health communications accordingly. In 2020 and 2021, de Beaumont partnered with pollster Frank Luntz and data intelligence company Morning Consult on a series of polls and focus groups to identify the messaging and language most likely to build support for public health measures and confidence in COVID-19 vaccines. Since then, we have continued to study the views, beliefs, and values of Americans on key health topics to inform the development of effective public health messaging and language.

May 16, 2021
Focus Group: Women 18-39
The de Beaumont Foundation and pollster Frank Luntz held a focus group on May 12 with women age 18 to […]
May 3, 2021
GOP Doctors PSAs
In these one-minute PSAs, 13 members of the House GOP Doctors Caucus explain why they got vaccinated against COVID-19, using research-based language developed by pollster Frank Luntz and the de Beaumont Foundation.
May 1, 2021
Focus Group: Why We Got Vaccinated
These 18 people said they probably wouldn't get vaccinated for COVID-19, but then they did. Who and what changed their mind, and what would they say to other people who have concerns about the vaccines?
April 19, 2021
Poll: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
How has the CDC and FDA's decision to pause the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine affected confidence in COVID vaccines? This April 15-16 poll shows that confidence in vaccine safety remains high and that the partisan divide on vaccine issues may be narrowing.
March 24, 2021
Poll: Vaccines and GOP Voters
What will it take to move from concern to confidence among one of the groups most likely to say they won't get vaccinated? This March 14-16 poll of Americans who voted for President Trump reveals their concerns about vaccines and what's most likely to influence their decision.
December 23, 2020
Poll: The Language of Vaccine Acceptance
This poll identifies the language that will be most effective in reaching all Americans, especially those who are currently less likely to take a vaccine.
November 24, 2020
Poll: COVID Perceptions
Ten months into the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans were divided along party lines about how serious the virus was and what steps should be taken to contain it. This Nov. 20-21 poll reveals language that can reach all audiences, build trust in public health measures, and save lives.

Changing the COVID Conversation in the News