David A. Ross
Vice Chair
David A. Ross, ScD, is former President and CEO of The Task Force for Global Health, a non-profit corporation, was founding director of the Public Health Informatics Institute (PHII), a program of The Task Force for Global Health and is a retired officer of the US Public Health Service. Dave’s career began as an aeronautical engineering with The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. He moved into medical research and public health after completing his graduate studies in applied math and operations research at The Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Dave has led programs to strengthen health systems in the United States and other countries for more than 35 years. His experience spans both domestic public health and global health, working in government at the CDC as well as the private sector in health services research, health care delivery and medical informatics. Dr. Ross has co-authored several book chapters on public health informatics and has authored many scientific publications.
In addition to his public health work and serving on the de Beaumont Foundation, Dr. Ross serves on the Boards of several health services delivery companies, consults on domestic and global health projects, has been a Trustee of Agnes Scott College, a member of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors, a member of Atlanta Rotary, served on multiple working groups and technical advisory groups of the World Health Organization, and has been a member of a number of National Academy of Sciences study teams. He received his Bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Colorado.