Naman Shah
40 Under 40 Class of 2021
Los Angeles, California
Medical Epidemiologist
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
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My goal is to work with great groups that believe in using public health as a vehicle for pushing social justice and participating in the dialogues and decisions that communities undertake.
Three words to describe me:
generalist, curious, hands-on
The best part of my job:
the daily learning grounded in direct implementation
Something that would surprise others about me:
I love reading and still kept up a few books a month throughout the pandemic.
Naman Shah works tirelessly to advance social justice through improved policy and service delivery. Raised between different cultures and trained as an NIH physician-scientist specializing in family medicine and infectious disease epidemiology, Naman has worked to improve health and well-being in varied settings. From working on polio eradication campaigns in villages, planning disease control for health departments, and working with national governments, Naman believes in translating science into community action.Â
As a leader in the Los Angeles County COVID-19 vaccination rollout Naman oversaw teams that developed the provider network for COVID-19 vaccination, coordinating over 500 vaccination sites, and led the strategic allocation of over six million doses. He also served as the vaccine subject matter expert for technical materials, clinical consultations, county clinic operations, and public town halls.Â
Naman received a MD/PhD and a BSPH in environmental health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a member of the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Ethics Review Committee and was a (2010) Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow for New Americans. Â