James Rajotte

40 Under 40 Class of 2021

Smithfield, Rhode Island

Chief Strategy Officer

Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services
My goal as service leader is to empower communities to prevent and reduce physical and behavioral health harms resulting from substance use and addiction, injury and trauma, and their underlying social conditions. At the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, three values consistently inform my strategic recommendations: choice, race equity, and community engagement. The best and most successful solutions are those that provide options because one-size-does-not-fit-all, focus on eliminating bias, and are co-designed with our community members.
Three words to describe me:
motivated, perseverant, innovative
The best part of my job:
working together across agencies and with the community to co-design solutions that work, impact real Rhode Islanders, and focus on ensuring equity.
Something that would surprise others about me:
I was an extra in the movie Jurassic World.

James Rajotte's Recent Writing